how old is luffy

How old is Luffy ?

Today, we’re going to talk about something that even the most die-hard fans of One Piece don’t even know : How old is Luffy ? Click to have the answer !

luffy birthday

Luffy Birthday

Not every fan know Luffy’s birthday,  indeed it’s hard to determine it because the series does not mention it often. Find out now Luffy’s birthday date !

nightmare luffy

Nightmare Luffy

On this article, we will present you in details Luffy’s Nightmare mode transformation ! The second part of the article will definitely surprise you !

how tall is luffy

How Tall is Luffy ?

Many people wonder how tall is the Hero wearing a straw hat ? Maybe fans who ask this kind of question want to compare themselves to his size to know if they are taller or shorter ? Or just out of curiosity ? Who knows ?

In this post, the heights of the major recurring characters of One Piece have been discussed and compared with Luffy’s height.

how did luffy get his scar

How did Luffy get his scar ?

Many fans wonder why the next Pirate King has scar marks on his body ? Discover now the Origin of Luffy’s Scars and become a real scholar about One Piece !

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